IP Apps
Managing Director: Ingo Panz
Lister Kirchweg 22
30163 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 69 89 97
Sales Tax Identification Number: DE 306935842
In preparing this website every effort is taken to ensure that the information contained therein is factually accurate, unequivocal and as up-to-date as possible. Despite the care taken, the presence of unintentional inaccuracies cannot be completely excluded. IP Apps hereby refutes all liability in this regard particularly in relation to typing or printing errors and in relation to the accuracy, completeness or up-to-datedness of the information and images displayed on this website. Information, images and data made available on the IP Apps may be amended at any time without notice. Such information is provided without any obligation on the part of IP Apps and no guarantees or assurances may be derived from it.
Hyperlinks on IP Apps webpages:
It is possible through the inclusion of links for an operator of a website, in certain cases, to be deemed jointly liable under the law for the content of linked websites. This potential liability can be only excluded through the inclusion of a suitable disclaimer.
We have inserted links to other internet websites into our own webpages. The following applies in respect of all such links:
While it does take care in selecting such links, IP Apps nevertheless has no influence whatsoever over the content or arrangement of linked websites. IP Apps assumes no responsibility for the content of websites to which a link is provided in our own webpages. This declaration applies to all links included on our website and for all the content of pages to which the links placed on our website may lead. It is possible through the inclusion of links for an operator of a website, in certain cases, to be jointly liable under the law for the content of linked websites. This potential liability can be only excluded through the inclusion of a suitable disclaimer.
The operator of this website hereby expressly refutes any liability in respect of the contents of any linked websites.
In using the IP Apps website you bear the full risk connected with using it, including all the risks of damage being caused to your computer, software or data through viruses or other software transmitted or activated via the IP Apps website. IP Apps accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, particular, accompanying or consequential damage/loss, including lost profits, caused through the use or erroneous use of information or incomplete information contained on the IP Apps website.
The rights pertaining to this homepage and its contents are reserved by the copyright holder. Unless the appropriate rights holder has given its permission, this homepage or any part thereof may not be used through inclusion in other media.
Data protection:
In accordance with Section 28 of the German Federal Data Protection Act, we hereby refuse permission in relation to the commercial use and communication of our data.
Platform of the European Commission for Online Dispute Resolution: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr